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Elijah Lowry

Founder + Lead Steward + Modern Abolitionist Society Co-Founder

Elijah is a currently a Senior at Rockford University, studying Theatre Management, Education, and, unofficially, Religious Studies. He has been widely active in theatre as a performer and a technician, a Stage Manager and a Director, and as a playwright. He has written a few plays and directed staged readings for them, though he wants to revise them before giving them a full public release. He is the author of two published books and, along with his dad, is writing a TV show comedy and inventing games. Elijah is a madman of creativity and a whirlwind of passion Embracing his inner madman, Elijah plans to teach High School Drama/Theatre while he works on getting state licensed to teach every subject at every grade level He is an empath to the highest degree and tries to live life as the example of BAR Love, second only to Jesus Christ. Under God's ownership, Elijah hopes to lead Winstaer to being an Internationally recognized theatre for its Art and nationally respected theatre for it's Community advocacy and Training. He dreams of Winstaer being the world's best at using "Theatre as a Rehabilitation Tool" to help the homeless, drug-addicted, and sex-trafficked populations (among others) find restoration and empower them to enjoy healthy, brilliant lives. As if that dream was too small, Elijah envisions the theatre being able to fully fund an Arts-Based private school, so that every child can receive the power of theatrical training for FREE. Arts-Based is a step beyond Arts-Integrated and holds the belief that creativity is not simply a way of learning, but the way to change the world. He likes to reference Viola Spolin who brilliantly said, "We learn through experience and experiencing, and no one teaches anyone anything."

"It takes a long time to grow young” – Pablo Picasso

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